
Over the years, I have owned many domains. Here is a list of most of them that I remember.

  • EleventyOne.org
  • Fanatically.org
  • Evendim.org
  • April-Third.org
  • SeanAstin.org
  • Peloria.net
  • Echoic.us
  • Peloria.nu

Web History

At age 13 I discovered the Internet and shortly after, web design. Around that time, I built many fan sites for my current offline obsessions in music. Like many who start out in web design, I was creating these pages on Geocities.

I slowly began teaching myself HTML.

After I graduated high school, I enrolled in HTML and web courses at a nearby community college declaring my major 'Business Graphics', but HTML wasn't enough!

Around 2003, I discovered a little thing called PHP. I spent a lot of time reading up on and installing scripts mainly from CodeGrrl.com.

After I had a good grasp of PHP, I began to create accessible, standards-based webpages using valid XHTML and CSS, which brings us to today.

Quick Bio

I'm Kimberly - a 40-year-old geek whose main adorations include web design, the 80's, The Goonies, Hanson, and flat-faced dogs. Updating my age from 22 on this old bio was painful.
